
AFNS brings together Syrian and International partners with a collective mission to maintain life-saving humanitarian assistance to Syria.

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The estimated number of people benefitting from projects funded through AFNS allocations.

What is AFNS?

The Aid Fund for Northern Syria (AFNS) provides support across all areas of humanitarian need, including health, education, shelter and incomes, in order to save lives, protect vulnerable people and increase resilience to shocks. It provides continuity of funding to national and international NGOs in Syria in line with international humanitarian commitments and standards including SPHERE, the Grand Bargain, CALP and CHS.

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Donors contributing funds to AFNS


Total investment in the Fund


Partner organisations receiving grants through the Fund so far


How is AFNS governed?

AFNS is overseen by an independently chaired Steering Board that includes international donors, and Syrian and International NGOs. The fund manager is Adam Smith International, a global advisory firm and registered B Corp specialising in international development.

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Feedback and Safeguarding

If you have concerns, comments, or feedback about our work, we encourage you to share them with us. Our feedback channel is open to receive messages in any language. Simply email us at

If you have witnessed or been subject to harm perpetrated by AFNS or partner staff or programmes, please contact us at our confidential safeguarding email address ( or hotline (+90 536 775 0580).